Paleo Bacon Burgers


Paleo Bacon Burgers

1lb grassfed ground beef
6 slices bacon, frozen and cut into
small pieces.
1 yellow onion, peeled and chopped
Salt and pepper, to taste
1-2 Tbsp bacon fat
Romaine or butter lettuce leaves, opt.

Place 1 Tbsp bacon fat in pan. Sauté onion until translucent. Place
bacon pieces in food processor and process until ground. Pour bacon
and onion into bowl with beef and seasonings. Mix all ingredients
together in bowl (use your hands!). Form into patties.  If cooking on
stovetop use another Tbsp of bacon fat in pan and heat until melted.
Place patties in pan and cook as long as you desire (typically about
3-4min each side for medium). The grill will work great too! Can eat
alone or wrapped in lettuce leaf. Serve with grilled veggies for an
awesome Independence Day meal!
